Man was our H week a busy one! The entire fridge was full of crafts and activities by Friday! Below are the links from our week. Please take a minute to visit these other wonderful preschool sites!
Click here for our H weekly schedule to get an idea of how we fit it all in!
Make a hippo. I cut this one our for my little guy but then showed him the finished hippo so he could figure out the steps to glue the hippo together himself. (Like all things that will not be reused, I choose to print this in grayscale to save my colored ink)

Hand print horses. (This activity did require craft sticks and yarn if you have that handy)

Flash cards
Hand print horses. (This activity did require craft sticks and yarn if you have that handy)
Flash cards
We made hats out of sandwich bags and decorated them with stickers and markers.
Building a house with nails! I thought this activity would have a lot of prep work but it maybe took me 5 minutes to get everything cut out and together for my two. You will need a hole punch for this activity. They had so much fun with this it was great fine motor practice putting the nails into the hole and good shape review too!
(I had him place his "house" that he created beside him so he could remember the shapes he used to make a house)
We galloped like horses during our dance time
Worked with our helicopter beside us!
H is for hand print!
We worked on H on Starfall
Read a book about Horses
H with detergent in a bag.
We worked on our hand puzzle
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