I don't know about you but I love love love blogs that are super easy for me to find what I am looking for from the tabs on the top of the page. I am attempting to give this blog a makeover that will hopefully be more user friendly and super duper easy to find what you (and future me) are looking for. With that said, Preschool at Home is kind of under construction for the moment and may be for a little while since I am not the most tech savvy person in the world. If you have any suggestions or something you'd love to see on here, leave a comment and let me know.
We have just completed our "I" week which was a wonderful week including insects, inch measuring, iguanas, and inchworms. We were just at the mall this morning and my 20 month old pointed out an "I" that she saw on one of the store signs!! Must have been a productive week!!
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