Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Favorite Educational Sites

So my son learned how to use a mouse on the computer a couple of months ago and he LOVES to play computer games now.  He would play for HOURS if we let him!!  (He has 30 minutes of computer time twice a week as part of his preschool time.)

Here is my featured site this week...

STARFALL- The website that he learned computer skills on first was Starfall .  It goes through each letter sound and uses minimal mouse directions.  (Click the blinking arrow to go to the next page).  I really like this site and actually used it with my 1st graders when I taught way back when.  Another thing that is great about this site is that it is great for all ages and abilities.   I can sit my almost 1 year old on my lap and do all the clicking for her or it has a more advanced section for early independent readers.


Heather said...

Mason LOVES starfall!!!! We actually just paid to have access to the new and advanced starfall, and I have to say it really is worth the money.

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