Thursday, October 18, 2012

Letter A Week - Lesson plan

We were sticking with the short /a/ sounds this week.  That is the beginning sound in the word "apple".  We stayed away from the long /a/ sound like in "acorn".   It is way to confusing to introduce all those sounds at once to little ones. How to decode our weekly plan-  (2)- Things I have planned for my two year old (4)- Things I have planned for my four year old Yellow- Things to print out (some black and white that students will either cut or color, and some color printed items that I have laminated and ready to use year after year) Green- Activities that will need some prep time or prep materials.   My Aa Pinterest Board Our Aa Lesson Plan (complete with project pictures and links) All of our Letter A activities  Our Weekly Plan-...

P is for Pumpkin

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year!  Here is a short three day week P is for Pumpkin Lesson Plan guide.  There is something for everyone so just pick the activities that work for you and your little one(s).   Click Here to download an editable version of this lesson plan  (Green are activities that need materials and yellow are printable activities.   Each activity activity is linked back it it's original source) Our Weekly Plan- Letter Pp PRESCHOOL Monday Wednesday Friday Centers Spooning kernels in pumpkins Pumpkin beads How is the pumpkin feeling (pg 12-13) Letter of the  week  Which is different (source) Pumpkin...

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