Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.  I hope see to you back next year...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Ideas and Crafts (Advent Calendar)

Thanks to Sara for putting together this great list of ideas for the holidays. I'm a little late on taking advantage of it in an advent calendar but I will definitely be doing most of these crafts and activities and posting them in the next couple of weeks.   Guest post- From Sara.... When I grew up my family had an advent tree....ours was felt and had one pocket for each day of the month. I have one of those advent trees and I was trying to decide what to put in each pocket when I stumbled across a great idea on some websites. I will put an activity or craft in each pocket! I created a list of some activities I plan on using this Christmas and wanted to share. The attachment has the slips of paper I will be putting in the pockets and below are the worksheet and...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Painting with Balls

Oh my kids had so much fun with this one!   Materials: Tray (pan, or foil pan)paint (we used finger paint)Paper (I like finger paint paper because it doesn't rip)balls or marbles I taped the paper to the tray to ensure that it wouldn't move around when the kids were rolling around the balls.   My son got the hang of the rolling but my daughter was more comfortable controlling all of her markings.   Results- Beautiful!!  These totally showed their personalities to...

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