Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Planning ahead

Okay, yes I do know that it is still July but I will be posting some preschool and toddler activities hopefully a couple times a week to gear up for the school year.  My big man will be heading off to preschool in September... only twice a week... but I have SO much that I want to do with him before that day comes.  My 18 month old is really into learning new things these days so I am also going to try and start posting activities that I find and great for toddlers.  As always, please comment with your ideas or links :)  Hopefully I will be seeing a lot of you in the next few mont...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Preschool Science- Online learning

I am always looking for great, kid friendly websites that my son can do on his own.  Here is a wonderful science site that kids can choose a habitat, click to learn about the animals, then click the ? button at the bottom right to choose the animals that live in that habitat. Do you know of any other great science sites or activities??  If so, link up under the comments secti...

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