Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A is for Apple

Here are some of our favorite Letter A (Apple) activities...-  if you have some of your own, please comment or email me and I will add them to the post.   Scissor skills - My son needs a lot of work with his fine motor skills so this apple cutting page from Preschool Palace was great for him.  The child cuts on the dotted line to the apples.  We didn't quite make it to the apples but he still got some great practice.  Letter Tracing- With this Aa Letter tracing page, the child uses their finger to trace the capital and lower case letters.   A is for Apple- I had my son use his glue stick and glue the little green and red apples (page 61) inside the large A.  This was great practice staying inside the lines...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Preschool Schedule

I found this off of Homeschool Preschool...a great description of a variety of schedules. The best thing about homeschooling is you can adapt your schedule and around your life and your preschoolers life. Every parent teaches differently, every child learns differently. Here are a few basic schedules you can use as a model when planning out your week.... In red will be my thoughts. Overall, plan on devoting 2-3 hours a day to your preschoolers education. The time you spend homeschooling your preschooler can be concentrated in the morning, when you are both fresh and ready to go, or it can be spread out throughout the day. 1. Formal Schedule If you or your child thrives on structure, consider having a formal schedule. A sample schedule follows: 9:00-9:30 Story time and songs 9:30-10:00...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Other Week 1 activities

So week 1 we cover the Letter A and these are the additional activities that we added in during the week... Prewriting Practice - My son is still at the VERY early stages of writing. (He did the 3rd row.)  So instead of practicing writing the Letter A on paper... which would have been way stressful for him... we practiced lines going from left to right.  If your preschooler is ready for Letters, try this printable. We found this little puzzle in the $1 section of Target (although it was $2.50).  It is a great easy activity to get preschoolers thinking about the order of things and even how their body is lined up! We also painted.  Just for fun... I got this activity from a friend of a friends blog (thanks Rachel!)....

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